Thank you for your participation
6th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA6), was held in the Hotel DAP, Prague, Czech Republic from June 13th to 16th, 2010. Thanks to all who helped organize a succesfull SPEA6, and thanks to the all attendees for their participation.

SPEA 6 was organized jointly by
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague (ICT Prague)
- Jaroslav Heyrovskı Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Science (JH IPC)
The conference focused on the following topics:
- Water treatment and disinfection
- Air treatment
- Environmental photochemistry
- Photoprocesses utilizing solar light
- Development of new materials for photochemistry and photocatalysis (visible light active photocatalysts, composite materials)
- Models for photochemistry and photocatalysis (mechanistic studies, engineering modelling)
- Commercial applications, standardization